Lincoln School
87 Richelieu Terrace, Newark NJ 07106
8:25AM - 2:55PM
Most Recent Comments
July 2023
Security never seems to know what is happening or where kids are supposed to be
December 2018
My boy got kicked out of class for researching colleges on the Chromebook when he had no work to do.
December 2016
I HAVE NO CLUE HOW THIS SCHOOL GOT 4 stars out of 5!?! These kids at this school are so bad its not funny. All they do is curse fight in the street and are always loud yelling at eachother cursing. My CHILD WILL NEVER EVER ATTEND THIS SCHOOL ...
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From Lincoln School
Lincoln School is a PreK-8 school located in the West Ward of Newark, known as Vailsburg. The school was built in 1916 and was expanded during the 1930’s as part of the WPA projects instituted by President Roosevelt. We currently have an enrollment of 410 students. Our goal is to perpetuate a love of learning and develop an awareness of community, city, state and the world beyond.
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