December 2019 by Melissa Addie
My daughter loved her Fords Schoolhouse family ! She learned so much from all her teachers , a truly wonderful experience!
April 2019 by Vanessa Beibide-Zanetich
My girls are growing so much at the Fords Schoolhouse The teachers are caring, kind and compassionate. My daughters are learninging so much here -- Thank Fords Schoolhouse team!
April 2019 by Nicole Hernandez
I love the school everyone is so loving. In fact my son brought a little coin pouch to school after the doctor on Friday and Miss Luann as wonderful as she is put 3 gold coins in his lil pouch. He came home from school so excited to show me his gold coins that Miss Luann gave him. They are just wonderful people and they all love my son in my absence and they are trying to prepare him for kindergarten. He feels accomplished when he comes home.