Paintworks Unlimited
3.8 -
18 reviews.
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Auto RepairHours:
8AM - 5PM99 Oak St, Dover NH 03820 Hours
Most Recent Reviews
November 2021
I recently saw a Camaro that came out of this shop, the quality control was not what i would expect from someone charging well over 100k.The worse part is, the owner ,as of the last time i saw the car , hasn't responded to the customers concerns
September 2021
Not sure where this place is. Not sure I was there.
October 2020
Replaced my motor in my classic Blazer. Great people to work with
More Comments(18)
About Paintworks Unlimited
Paintworks Unlimited is a full-service shop offering everything from ground-up restorations to minor repairs, maintenance, and everything in between. Engine detailing, drive train upgrades, customizing, paint maintenance, and repairs. Paintworks Unlimited also stocks a full line of speed parts and accessories. We also have Car shows every Thursday 4-7pm weather permitting.
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