February 2024 by paula lemay
Perhaps this Salvation Army is not pristine like some stores, but they are also in a very OLD building (Garage, warehouse?) They give so much back to the community right here in Concord, unlike some other thrift stores with million dollar budgets which pay their CFO's, CEOs. I appreciate the fact that this store gives back until it hurts. This store is run on a tiny budget. The higher-ups do not get paid massive 6 figure incomes (and more) as the larger, well known thrift stores. If they did, they could afford nicer stores which are would be pristine. Now SOME OTHER thrift stores are skimming off the top to sell all their BEST donations on e-commerce (on-line), rather than allowing the people right here in our own neighborhood to get the benefit of better items. Salvation Army Does a FANTASTIC job, ALL AROUND! Thank you for being the best donation recipient.....and a REAL NON PROFIT store!
February 2024 by D Kaf
This is an OK thrift store. There are some items that are just over priced. I bought a shirt and one pair of pants for $17. Shoe section is located with the toys which is a very weird layout and the dressing room smelled nasty.
August 2023 by Dave & Ange Chaput
Great deals on stuff
August 2023 by Angela Overman
Happy with my find!
May 2023 by Jemi Broussard
Have always appreciated that so much of the inventory here stays local when donations are received. Great place to find formalwear, dishes, and I haven’t tried it yet, but was told they will take scrap cloth, if separately bagged and marked as such. Employees &volunteers are always helpful and friendly, and are greatly appreciated!
March 2023 by A
As far as Salvation Army stores go, this one is just okay. The warehouse never feels clean or tidy and a lot of the donations put out are questionable at best. Prices are fair, and the Salvation Army is the only true not-for-profit widespread thrift store. The extremely loud Christian music is a bit in your face, donation quality is sketchy at times, and the place is very dirty but the volunteers are kind, the prices are decent, and the selection of products is vast. Have I been to Salvation Army stores that are better? Yes. Have I been to cleaner ones? Yes. Have I been to ones who don't put on religious music extremely loudly? Yes. In Concord is there a cleaner, more affordable, and friendlier thrift store? No. Will I continue supporting the Salvation Army and this store? Absolutely.
January 2023 by Sue Boore
Salvation Army is the only not for profit organization. Goodwill and Savors owners make a tidy profit.
January 2023 by Deb Lemay
Pleasant check out. She was so kind.
December 2022 by Wendy Sharp
Everything is too high priced for being donated the clothes are stained have pills on them and aren't worth the price. The greed in this town has gotten out of control with second hand merchandise that is 100% profit and they want top dollar. Something's got to give
October 2022 by Pop blinn
Very good deals on all kinds of things and very nice ladies working there.If you can't find what your looking for come back again you'll find something that you can use.
August 2022 by Trista Larson
Way better than good will.
August 2022 by Terry Gebo
Friendly staff
April 2022 by Megan “Megs” Douillette
Great finds! Found exactly what I needed and some things I wanted and it was inexpensive!
March 2022 by Greg Rule
Good place to find an outfit or electronic oddity. Some days you’ll walk out with nothing but then some days you’ll walk out with two handfuls of goods while without spending much. Very nice and friendly staff. Over the years I’ve found good items for low cost.
December 2021 by Janice Dobson
Always kind people in line and waiting on me. I did some Christmas shopping. I support you guys regularly and have for many years.