“Just got off the phone w/"Vanessa" -- My call was to obtain more info. on a SWMedical charge that didn't make sense--Vanessa went above and beyond to help me get resolution. She succeeded! Earlier I had phoned SW MEd and paid a $50 charge for a procedure, d.o.service 6/22/23, processed by a rep from the billing office...looks like after ins. pd. their share, my co-pay was $50., and I paid my bill at that time, so I thought that was the end of the transaction, BUT NO, it wasn't -- THEN the CSR said I also owed $43.03 and asked "did I want to pay that also?" Emphatically NO! I didn't owe that amt.--this almost 80 senior keeps good records, and I knew that now I had to get that erroreous charge rescinded! I accessed my hard-copy file of explanation of benefits, also my calendar for Jan. 2023, the alleged month of service, also my 2023 actual SW MED bills, and I could find NO reference to a $43.03 bill! SO, My first call to get more info. was to United Health, and boy was I lucky to get Vanessa! She phoned the right parties, and after extensive research, told me the good news -- I didn't owe the $43.03 which was for an alleged charge dating back more than 2 1/2 yrs. earlier! With Vanessa's help my B.P. is now almost back to where it should be, after spiking, due to the attempt by the SWM business office csr to collect $ that I didn't owe! Good job, Vanessa! Thanks, Carole B.--who has had United HealthCare and SW Medical providers since 1995!”
“If you give anything but a five you do not understand how good your health insurance is. Ask people that don’t have culinary.Every in the world should be as lucky as us to receive such amazing health care. Sadly they don’t but we do.Are their staff issues? Probably, there are at your work too.Use your PTO, and your amazing insurance.”