February 2024 by Tricia Delaney-Nevarez
Judy is so knowledgeable and a QuickBooks wiz :). Judy helped set up all our small business accounts in QB and was an amazing QB tutor. I learned so much from her. Fast forward years later and she continues to be a great resource. Five stars for Judy!
March 2023 by Anthony Parker
Judy was awesome to deal with! Very positive attitude and helped me resolve my issue in an hour! She is very knowledgeable and I will continue using her in the future. THANKS AGAIN JUDY!
November 2022 by Eurotek Tuning
Choice bookkeeping has been doing my books for well over 10 years. Trust, honesty, care for your business is at their highest priority
November 2022 by AP Pisa
I own a small business and having a bookkeeper was an essential need as we grow. Judy is just the best. She is easy to get in touch with and will walk you through any issues. Glad I was recommended to her.
November 2022 by Matt Fee
Choice bookkeeping has been doing our books for the past 1.5yrs. They are always extremely helpful when we have questions and always have our monthly books done quickly. I highly recommend them!
November 2022 by Erin Bell
Very professional company! If I ever had a question or issue, the answer was always a phone call away. Best company I have worked with. I would highly recommend giving them a try.
March 2022 by Don Lee
So Judy and I had a falling out over the most trivial BS. So I paid her what I owed her and we went out separate ways. The new bookkeeper needed some records from Judy. Judy told him that she would not speak to him because we no longer do business. The new bookkeeper advised her that she could not do that because of various accounting laws and practices that were in place so that bookkeepers did not screw any business. After that Judy proceeded to lie to him and say she did not keep any records of past clients (she is obligated to keep the records for 5 years) and that I was sent a MASTER FILE of all our records, which was also a lie. Listen I don’t leave reviews often but DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY! You will regret it in the long run.
February 2022 by Szilárd Varsányi
They overcharge you.Spoke Judy on the phone multiple times to talk through usernames and passwords for multiple accounts, she charged me extra 1 hour on the job and when i sent her the proof taking a screenshot of my call logs, she told me not to pay that extra. Then she fired her assistent and called me to provide her login informations again and she billed me 2 hours for the information she lost and i helped her to get them again. When i told her that it wasn't the first time that they overcharged me she said that the first time she was right (while i sent proof of time) and she just let me not to pay that money... They haven't done just a little work and i paid them over a $1000 for job they didn't even do right...
June 2020 by Mike Rayburn
I worked with Choice Bookkeeping for approximately four years they’ve done a fantastic job. Thank you!
May 2020 by Jeffrey Weiss
Judy was a God-send when it came to opening our business and maintaining our tax records and monthly payments.
February 2020 by Richard Morse
Judy is absolutely AMAZING! She is extremely knowledgeable and can walk you through just about anything! I manage a business and there is no one i trust more! Thank you again Judy from SMART Plumbing!
February 2020 by Geoff Melcher
If you have quickbooks you need Choice Bookkeeping! I have yet to ask a question the they don't have the answer too. Best choice I have ever made.
February 2020 by Roberta Lange
Judy has been our bookkeeper for many years and we are not sorry we hired her. She is always available to answer questions or to point us in the right direction, Integrity and quality would describe Judy
December 2019 by Matthew Shelton
We have had several other "QB EXPERTS" charge us thousands to try to fix what Judy has been able to do for a fraction of the cost. She is trustworthy, and very quick to respond to needs. If you use QB for your company you need to have her as a expert for any QB issues.
November 2019 by Frank Lueck
I have enjoyed Judy's service for the last 7 years and always found her to be quick, qualified and highly confident, I highly recommended her firm