July 2024 by Annette Sherwin
Cheapest gas with rewards
April 2024 by Edward Brown
Yep, they've got gas!
December 2023 by John Winters
Good sometimes friendly if there not doing something then they ignore you but it's close to the house.
September 2023 by George Edmonds
Just got gas
September 2023 by Adolfo M
Good service
September 2023 by gerrit beiboer
Prima zaak
September 2023 by Jesse Taylor
This terribles is terrible if you want an OPEN store I've been here several times different times always closed stop getting hi guys get to work
August 2023 by Mike F.
Wow.Just wow.Stopped by here after shopping at the Walmart just behind it (on the corner of Blue Diamond and Rainbow Blvd.). I needed some gas, but while I was here I noticed they had 3 - 25-ounce cans of Bud Light Lime for $5.50 plus tax. Pretty good deal, right? So, I decide to pick up the 3 can deal. This was less than an hour ago (around 2:30 pm on 8/9/23). The middle-aged Asian lady working the register was extraordinarily rude. I can't believe what i just experienced at this place. It first rang up to $7.58 for the 3 cans. I mention the sign and the deal. She says. "that's not the right price". I told her there is a sign posted and if she wanted me to take it down. She doesn't believe me. We walk back to the cooler and she says that sign is wrong. The sign mentions that it is for the 25-ounce cans. Seems pretty cut and dry to me, but she is still unconvinced. I told her you have it posted and I want that price. She very hesitantly agrees to sell it to me at the price that is POSTED ON THE SIGN IN THEIR STORE. So, I add 14.50$ in gas to make it an even 20$. My credit card gets mysteriously declined....7 times in a row. I am absolutely convinced she was doing something on her end to kill the transaction because it would instantly decline. She had taken it personally (insane) and was trying her best to not sell me the beer at the posted price. Luckily, I had a 20$ bill on me and paid with that. You should have seen the sour look on her face. Little piece of advice: If you don't want to sell a product at that price, then maybe take the flipping signs down. I know it was only 2$ we're talking about here, but it is absolutely the principle of the matter. Not to mention being treated so rudely for expecting them to *gasp* honor the prices they advertise and have posted in their store.1 star.
June 2023 by Single Brain Cell
It's Terrible ??. JK, actually pretty nice. Clean restroom.
February 2023 by THE BEST OF THE BEST
Very Nice
January 2023 by Wendy Philley-Curtiss
Store was dirty. Cashier just ok
December 2022 by Wendy Philley
Store was dirty. Cashier just ok
November 2022 by Iain Bratt
Our country's flag is very damaged, flags that display tears or appear worn down in a significant way should not be hoisted under any circumstances, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.
October 2022 by Justin Goding
A00lways convenuant when i go to chevron.i worked for them, and i prefer them
September 2022 by MarkRobert “Wrongway Murph” Matthew Murphy sr
No food old guy said to busy to place hotdogs on rotunda