July 2024 by J S
Worst post office in Stl, employees are definitely special
July 2024 by abdurahman omoruyi
Prime example of why bad character doesn’t go far, terrible service
July 2024 by Wayne Sexton
The postal worker was so kind and helpful as I was mailing in my passport for renewal. She ensured we did everything properly and saved us at least $60 as well. Best post office experience!
May 2024 by Katie Wilimzig
One of the desk workers was very pleasant. I heard her talking to the woman in front of me and she was extremely helpful and very friendly. Unfortunately, I got the other employee. From the moment I got to the desk, she acted like me being there was an inconvenience to her. All I wanted to check is if my mail was being held or not. She reluctantly got up to go and check, complete with a sassy attitude and a hint of an eye roll. I had a simple question that took all of 30 seconds to rectify, and she still managed to be rude. ?
May 2024 by Charles Pendergrass
Have you ever heard of a post office that has no stamps well it's this one unbelievable
May 2024 by mady Mcgirl
By far the worst post office I have ever been to !!! Employees are rude the manger Erica is even worse!!!!!.
May 2024 by Maryclare Stephens
the medicine i receive from the va has not been delivered for more than 14 days, the va confirmed the mailing date/// this is not the first time for this unacceptable service///////
May 2024 by Debra Lankford
Haven’t had mail since Thursday. My bills have been sitting there since Wednesday afternoon. No reason for this!
May 2024 by Yuri
Really bad costumer service. They are very bureaucratic, stuck to non-sense rule, and provide a piece of tape. The other day I needed to return a package and needed a piece of tape, they Cust. Rep. Fave my a small sermon of why they don’t have, so I went to UPS who were really nice and quick to help out with a piece of tape. Today I had another package to return, so I reused an old USPS Priority Mailbox and stick my pre-payed printed label , and they again gave my a small demon that ai can’t re-use that box, not even if I painted.
May 2024 by Dwight Vermette
Three issues: First, my wife and I were on a cruise last year and placed a hold on our mail for the duration. We have a video doorbell, which recorded mail being delivered on the fist day. It cost me $25 for an international call to rectify the problem. It happened again this past February when we went out of town. Second, our mail carrier has come as early as 10:00 a.m. and as late as 6:00 p.m. We can hear him coming from two doors down because he's always on his phone, talking loudly and laughing. Third, there have been times when we haven't received any mail for days. My wife uses the weekly store bills for grocery shopping. Only problem is, instead of getting them at the beginning of the week, we will get them right before the sales expire (and, at times, the following week). There have been instances when we received locally-sent mail four or five days after it was sent. I'm seriously considering writing a congressional on this branch (Grasso Plaza). It seems that every time the cost of stamps go up, the lousier the service becomes.
March 2024 by Julie Sanders
Affton postal service delivers to our subdivision whenever they feel like it!! They go days without delivery and they don't care that maybe we have something important we're waiting for!! Pathetic customer service at the Affton office as well!!
March 2024 by Holly Peck
Awful delivery service. Driver drove right pass our mailbox because he said a parked car was too close, wouldn't take 2 steps out of his vehicle to place mail in the mailbox. I know he wasn't in a hurry because he stopped and talked to one of my neighbors for about 10 minutes. I wish USPS was privatized so postal workers could deal in the real world instead of the monopoly that our government has over our lives. Open up the postal industry to the private sector and let the true quality of American ingenuity and service take control and not the government. Government only breeds inept workers in a welfare state.
February 2024 by Nicole Bess
Waited 20 minutes in this short-staffed post office to be told that all they had was 4-cent stamps. Unbelievable.
February 2024 by Benjamin Susic
Bad staff
February 2024 by Mike Goldsmith
If you have an important piece of correspondence or valuable package you’d like to have lost, make sure the Affton Post Offoce puts their hands on it. If you’d like to see your tax dollars completely pissed away on ignorant, unconcerned, thoroughly incompetent workers, go grab you a seat at this place and watch the retardation of the government at work. I’d implore Google to give people a negative star rating to accommodate this cess pool of idiots.