DEUTZ Power Center Midwest
Auto Repair
1444 Vernon St, North Kansas City MO 64116
Most Recent Comments
July 2023
Great place to find all your Deutz engine parts!! Awesome people, very helpful!!
December 2020
Don't even know where this place is so I could not have been there
December 2019
These guys are a great, and a well run business. We deal with Nick and e is awesome, a truly good guy.- Gary & Christy S
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From DEUTZ Power Center Midwest
DEUTZ Power Center Midwest is your dedicated source for DEUTZ engine service, genuine parts, Xchange remanufactured engines, and new engines. Our territory covers Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, and Western Missouri.
Customers across the Midwest have come to expect a high level of service from DPC Midwest.
We offer 24/7 emergency service to DEUTZ customers in the field, because we know that when a deadline must be met, customers can't afford to have a piece of equipment down.
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