November 2021 by Joseph Fuentes
It is tight to back In to building but just take your. Time . Place open up at 8am. Looking at 2hrs to get unloaded. Ring buzzer on the wall to let them know your outside.
February 2021 by ron White
I am truck driver of 41 years experience and I must say the modern equipment that we drive today is More difficult to maneuver into their small dock area off the street, strickley because of the size and length... The receiver her name is ( Kenesha ) Her assistance Is invaluable She helped me tremendously and I thank her so much.!!
October 2020 by Nadia Kudzmiene
Certified Safety loading dock garage door broke and damage our DRY VAN Trailer. Left us with the big hole on the roof of the trailer.Shipping manager called door repair service and refused to sign our damage report, claiming that the driver caused the damage. Driver was more then half way at the loading dock when it suddenly felt.Don't come here if you don't want to damage your trailer and deal with dishonest people!!!
September 2018 by Paul Lewis
Everything I need