Visit our gallery featuring local artists, including photography, original paintings and prints, acrylic pours, wood carvings, pottery, acrylic art, painted feathers, jewelry, lighted canvas, knitted and fabric art, note cards, gifts, handmade soap and more. We can also print your photos on canvas or paper. Some of our artists accept commission work. Tell us what you need and we can make it happen. Mary Phillip, Paul Long, Cathy Adams, Jackie Stoner, Gail Attanasio, Nancy Ryder, Ron and Connie Perkins, Karen Pugh, Debbie Kraft, Kris Belinda Crutcher, Paula Buzenius, Karen Korem, Clint Graham, Kathy Thierstein, Jan Rosenburg, Ann Ferguson, Janet Woods, Kim Meneses, Terry McMasters, Linda Muraski, Barbara Capel, Leonid Afremov and others.