May 2024 by anonymous
i am not posting this under my real name for reasons that will be obvious... but i had the worst experience of my life at this gas station abt a year ago and finally feel confidence to speak up on it.
im only 15 at the time. my friends and i had just finished hanging out and we all went are separate ways. after they left i realized my phone wasnt charged to call my mom. ok sucks but w/e ill just see if i can use the phone somewhere else, so i go here.
the place is empty and there is only one employee who is a pretty hefty black man prolly in his 40s or 50s. (i am only saying this for id purposes. i tell him i need to use the phone and he motion me to follow. i think nothing of it like he taking me in the back to use a phone or w/e. then i suddenly realize we in a bathroom and just as i do he locked the door... im so stupid for not catching on then n there. i was so naive.
before i could think anything of it, this man pulls out his own phone. so i think ok, maybe he going to let me use his phone to make the call? maybe he just took me in here so id have privacy for the phone call? of course not, this just wishful thinking as my mind avoided the worse...
instead what he do is start showing me pictures. disgusting pictures of some anime girl tied up n gagged with her mouth taped shut. the most horrible thing i seen in my life. he ask what i think of it. what do i think of it??? i just freeze up. is he threatening me? i dont even know. i just want to talk to my mom.
i guess he notice im nervous because he try to reassure me saying something like "it ok sweetie im a girl just like you!" first of all NO he wasnt! i have no problem with trans ppl or anything at all but this was just a regular man with a short haircut and no attempt at passing at all. second even if he was a woman THAT DOESNT MAKE IT BETTER, he was showing me inappropriate artwork n trying to make excuses as if its ok! and he kept calling me sweetie and sweetheart, just thinking abt those words now make me want to throw up.
but its not even the worse part. after showing me all these weird pictures of some anime girl in tight skimpy cloths and in horrible situations he start grabbing me and rubbing my body. im just like so horrified at this point and all i can think of is i want my mom, i want to talk to my mom (who i havent told about this yet btw). and almost like he read my mind this disgusting man start breathing against me and say how i would make such a pretty daughter and he can be my mommy??? at this point i tune out what hes saying as im just trying to process how i ended up here. the only other thing i remember him saying is how i remind him of some one named "Pabs bunny" but i have no idea who that is.
finally as he starts rubbing lower down on my body my fight or flight kicks in and i bolt for the door and start desperately trying to unlocking it. i think he could have held me and done much worse right then and there and i thank god every day that he didnt. instead he change his tune and keep talking about what a bad girl he thinks i am all of the sudden and that i should stay in here with him. i think he was panicking now that he realize how much he done already and tell me how he will find me and come after me if i ever tell anyone abt this. he even called me sweetie still while he was threatening me.
when i get the door open i run as fast as i can crying and crying trying to make my way home. i was to afraid to ask for help at this point so i spent hours making my way home on foot no phone no anything to help. i was in tears the whole time and clenched up my whole body any time a stranger was near. i just couldnt process what happened and wanted to go home more then anything.
when i get home my mom asks why im back so late without messaging her, i tell her my phone died (true) but also that we hang out late and a friend mom give me a ride home. she was mad at m
May 2024 by Amy Finch
Rudeeeeee customer service
May 2024 by Brailey Ferguson
Won’t even answer the phone to see if I left something and it’s bathroom is filthy.
December 2023 by Daniel “Dolce” Dearman
We made a inside purchase and we also needed change for the air machine. ONLY TO BE TOLD THAT THE MANAGER SAID FOR THE EMPLOYEES TO OR GIVE OUT CHANGE. I mean I could see if our request had been to break $100, $50, $20, $10, or a $5 without a purchase but we bought something and simply asked for 4 quarters for the air machine on their property. REDICULOUS! RED APPLE YOU WILL NOT GET ANY MORENOF OUR BUSINESS FOR ANYTHING.
March 2023 by RAZ3D_251
Had a gr8 experience here. Clean store, cheap gas, and very helpful staff. Highly recommend stopping here!!!
June 2022 by Sandra Sturdivant
Love it here
April 2020 by Barbara Jones
Love their fried chicken, and hot wings to. Also have great catfish, and friendly service!
June 2019 by We've got a Sneetch!
It gets a bit creepy at night. The local police keep an eye on it for a reason. No problems during the day, other than its a bit busy.
February 2018 by John Archer
Not a bad gas station, sadly people around "these parts" are so racists the Afro Americans go to this shop and the Caucasian go to the gas station right next to it. Anyhow, check it out around 11pm-12pm and you'll see what I mean. Sadly Mississippi is still burning(Movie), now it's not the FBI burning it down. They are doing it themself.