The staff here are nice and explained things to me in detail. It was a simple battery change that didn't take long, but at the same time, I wish there was somewhere to sit down. If there was a simple seating area, this location would be immaculate.
April 2023
Idk about the review saying 1-2 hours delay for pickup. The most I've waited is probably 10 minutes longer than anticipated. Those manning customer service look like they don't want to be there. Food service inside works pretty swiftly. The guys at the tire shop are helpful.
November 2022
Possibly the worst experience with a a tire center ever. There were 5 employees in the front area that tried their best to ignore me even though I was the only customer there. The one employee that did was rude and uninterested in helping. I left the get my tires at another location and am reconsidering my sams membership.