Butchers in Worthington, MN

1 location found near Worthington

“Read the reviews, so I didn't wash it somewhere else. I Waited till I got there. I paid $45, so it went up I guess. Dropped the trailer at 7:00 am, got a call at 8:00 pm. Could have been next morning though. Somebody told me they inspect the loads twice a day 6am/6pm. I was lucky my load was ready before 6 pm I think, so I could get out the same night. I knew I was going to be there for at least 12 hours, so it didn'take me by surprise. The people at the gate were nice, same with the wash out guy. Every once on a while it takes some time to get loaded/unloaded. It's part of the game. I smile, breath deeply & hope it won't happen soon.......”

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