IND. Subaru Repair Mechanics MN | Sorenson Automotive, Inc.

Auto Repair
26675 Zachary Ave, Elko New Market MN 55020



10AM - 6PM
10AM - 6PM
10AM - 6PM
10AM - 6PM
10AM - 6PM

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About IND. Subaru Repair Mechanics MN | Sorenson Automotive, Inc.

IND. Subaru Mechanics that Specialize IND. In Subaru Engine Manufacturing, Engine Rebuilding & Repair, Turbocharger Rebuilding & IND. Factory Maintainence. Sorenson Automotive, Inc. also is an IND. Subaru Engine Parts & Turbocharger Parts supplier, providing Genuine, Original Equiptment & High Quality Aftermarket Subaru Parts to the public. Our Company sells Turbocharger Parts and Rebuilds Turbochargers for all vehicle brands as well. We also have a IND. Pre-Owned Automotive Dealership that is focused on providing reliable used Subaru Vehicles to our Customers from Minnesota, South Dakota, Iowa & Wisconsin.

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Sorenson Automotive Inc - We bring vehicles back to life! At Sorenson Automotive we provide complete automotive repair. We stand behind all our products with a 36 Month 36,000 mile parts and labor warranty's. At Sorenson Automotive, Inc. We repair a wide variety of vehicels including both foreign and domestic. We also service a wide variety of fleet vehicles for small business and corporate companies. Our repair shop specializes in Subaru including but not limited to: Subaru Forester, Subaru Impreza, Subaru Tribeca, Subaru Outback, Subaru Baja and Subaru WRX. Call us today at 952-736-9200 for your automotive repair needs or shoot us an email at [email protected]

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