“Ive gone to this dollar general for many years now and ive found its a great stop by store. They have many products including a refrigerated and frozen section, meal food isles, shampoo isles, clothes isles, a makeup isle, many things for cleaning and storage, and we cant forget the animal products. The staff has always been friendly to me and helped when i needed assistance. One thing is they always seem be to under staffed so at times there are boxes or carts around the store, but hey what store doesnt have general stock up keep!”
“Ive gone to this dollar general for many years now and ive found its a great stop by store. They have many products including a refrigerated and frozen section, meal food isles, shampoo isles, clothes isles, a makeup isle, many things for cleaning and storage, and we cant forget the animal products. The staff has always been friendly to me and helped when i needed assistance. One thing is they always seem be to under staffed so at times there are boxes or carts around the store, but hey what store doesnt have general stock up keep!”