Convenient location, friendly staff, fair prices for essential outdoor gear, clothes, you need and want. The customer service could've been better considering but figured everything out in the end. I was a little rude to the lady at door 13 in the pick up yard and apologize on that account. Satisfied customer. Recommend.... read full comment
October 2022
Best deal on tires! Especially if you purchase a warranty for them! Fast and friendly service thanks again!
April 2021
The store is played out so it makes no sense at all .the store does not have help on the floor to help customers . My experiance shopping there was cold .people in owatonna say they don't want to work at fleet farm they feel it's really went down hill .fleet farm lost alot of my business .I'm very upset .
We offer: Automotive Tire Replacement and Repair Trailer/ Lawn and Garden Tire Replacement Oil change Battery Brakes Wheel Alignment Headlight Bulb Replacement Air and Cabin Air Filter Replacement Exhaust Steering and Suspension Repair Alternators/Starters Vehicle Accessory and Towing Installation Light Drivetrain - Wheel bearings, CV Axles Stop by and let the Fleet Farm Auto Service Center maintain your vehicle.