August 2021 by Nikki Magnan
They are logging land next to our residence and continue to fly down our one way dirt road every single day. We have two small children that play outside and they seem to be completely unaware that they need to slow down near our home. This isn’t just the semi trucks but larger work trucks as well(white and red truck) that are doing ridiculous speeds down our road and it is absolutely unnecessary and unacceptable.This has been going on all week and they still seem completely oblivious to my kids or they merely don’t care.Your entire staff needs to SLOW DOWN when driving
August 2020 by Kyle Langley
Watched a Holmer Truck tailgate a small car in a 25mph zone worse than I have ever seen someone tailgate. Should have to retake their driver exam!
August 2018 by Ash Smash
To the truck driver driving down highway ten hauling grain, going 85 in a 65. Riding our a** very unprofessional! CDL or not there was absolutely NO REASON to be driving like that!
May 2018 by S Confidential
You remember me? The person riding with my wife driving and toddler son in the car with us today? You should remember because it is mothers day and while we were stopped stuck in traffic backed up at a stoplight you made multiple attempts to intentionally ram into the front of our vehicle head on by crossing over a double yellow line. You should also remember because I then had to exit my vehicle and politely asked you multiple times to come discuss your issue with my wifes driving and why you were attempting a vehicular assault on a female driver with a small child in the car. Of course you cowardly declined to discuss the issue. Do not use tgis company due to their willingness to be physically aggressive with women drivers and their intentional attempt to physically injure small children.
October 2017 by Ashley Johnson
To the truck driver driving down highway ten hauling grain, going 85 in a 65. Riding our a** very unprofessional! CDL or not there was absolutely NO REASON to be driving like that!