Babich Automotive
Auto Repair
5579 3rd St, Mountain Iron MN 55768
Most Recent Comments
February 2023
It's the last place on Earth that you can go and get excellent excellent machinus work
May 2017
I've had them do work for me in the past without issues, to who put the negative post on here, sometimes it's hard to hear the truth from an experienced person, I've never had a issue with Steve and would rather do it the correct way once than to do it over the second time.
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From Babich Automotive
Babich Automotive has been in business for almost 40 years. Steve Babich and his sidekick Joe have been your go-to business for all your engine head-related issues. Maybe you are rebuilding a car and you need one of their services, that's cool too. Steve and Joe are on their game, maybe you have a question, call and ask! Babich Automotive has been in Parkville neighborhood of Mountain Iron since its inception. Turn off Hwy 169 in Mountain Iron by L&M and Short Stop in the direction of both, Babich Automotive is on the left, just after the driveway to Raintree Apartments.
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