Tobacco Grove is an excellent premium cigar shop. They have a world of knowledge to help everyone who comes into the shop select a very nice cigar. They have an awesome lounge area to enjoy the cigars you've purchased. I highly recommend Tobacco Grove.
July 2024
Fantastic selection of cigars, including Drew Estate, Davidoff, and Crux. They have it all! The knowledgeable staff is well-versed in all the products. A must-visit for cigar enthusiasts!
July 2024
The staff is very helpful and knowledgeable. Love the atmosphere.
For over 20 years, Tobacco Grove has been serving the Twin Cities in Minnesota, with premium cigars and accessories. Offering the largest walk-in cigar humidor in the Twin Cities, Tobacco Grove offers a vast selection of boutique, rare, limited and everyday favorites. As a Davidoff Appointed Merchant, you will find a complete selection of Davidoff cigars and S.T. Dupont accessories. Tobacco Grove is also a member of TAA, offering the TAA Exclusive cigars. Tobacco Grove focuses on a fantastic community of cigar lovers. With room to hold over 70 people, Tobacco Grove has one of the largest lounges in Minnesota with four distinctive areas, all equipped with large screen TVs, WIFI, and comfortable seating. Stop in, grab a cigar and relax.