Brian Parkinson Mortgage Banker at Alerus

Mortgage Lenders, Real Estate Agents
7650 Edinborough Way #645, Edina MN 55435


Hours may fluctuate. For detailed hours of operation, please contact the store directly.

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About Brian Parkinson Mortgage Banker at Alerus

As a mortgage banker we provide mortgage financing for all clients either in the state of Minnesota or nationally. Our approach is consultative, sharing rate/pricing transparency to each client and utilizing 28 years of experience. We consider the process consumer centric and our top goal is to ensure an excellent experience. We have developed excellent partnerships with some the the top Realtors, Financial Planners, Insurance agencies, and various professionals throughout the Twin Cities. Also as a bank, Alerus also provides excellent new construction products, specific Alerus Portfolio products such as our Dr Loan, Professional Series loans, loans for self employed borrowers in addition to all other loan types.

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