February 2025 by Courtney White
Terrible service. They will not put your cans back but leave them in the middle of the road or middle of your driveway. They will put massive holes in the sides of your cans multiple times. They won’t get all of the garbage out of your cans. You will call customer service several times and spend hours trying to reach an actual person. They will dump your can in their truck and not get you a new can for weeks. Use literally ANY other garbage service.
February 2025 by mike rice
Wm has been awesome compared to republic and at a better price wouldn't have anyone else driver is right on the money
February 2025 by Joyce Cronkhite
The driver we have for our area is reliable, and is always on time.
February 2025 by Thomas Parsons
Well, after over 30 + years of using WM I'm not surprised at the attitude they have. It's actually embarrassing to me to have used their service for so long. They decided to not service my area no more. Said it's costly to them. Just after they changed over to smart trucks which was supposed to make things quicker. It didn't. Driver just don't show to collect. When you call the company they give you the runaround. Over 30 years I've been loyal to them. They used to be a great company. Now it's about benefits for the worker and stick it to the customer. They over charge you, they don't recycle ♻️, pollute the environment, you name it. WM has gone down hill and it's sad. Time for a manager overhaul on all levels from corporate down to the lazy drivers they hire.
February 2025 by Victoria Phelps
Always take trash away.
February 2025 by Lisa
Service had been irregular. Forgot to report a missed pick up one week, week two I did report it and they came the day after to pick up. Then last week our Tuesday pick up was rescheduled due to weather for a weather system that was predicted and took place on the Wednesday afterward. For years they did really well and they’re the least expensive and they bill monthly which I do like a lot. I’m hoping the resolve this soon or I’ll have to change companies to one that’s more reliable.
February 2025 by Veronica Jackson
I appreciate the service and the fact that it is a lower cost service than most of the others in our general area. The only thing I’m dissatisfied with is that if by chance I have more bags that will not fit into my trash container due to the holidays I am charged an extra fee for overflow. During the holidays, WM should account for extra trash and your customers should not be charged extra.
February 2025 by Jane Boswell
Not impressed. We are brand new customers scheduled for our first pickup on 2/03. No pickup. I submitted a missed pickup report, was told to leave the container out and it would be picked up 2/04. Tuesday came and went, no pickup. I went online to submit another report. Saw that WM had rescheduled to the following week (along with the recycling). Was told this time it wasn't picked up because I was given the wrong schedule. Then was told it was due to inclement weather. And policy is if it's weather related they don't come back, we will have to wait until the following Monday. So what is it? Then we receive our next bill! (we were required to prepay). What?!?! WM hadn't done anything yet! Website shows no phone number to call, just some robot chat. Again, we are not impressed 😠 Probably will be shopping around. Again. 😠
February 2025 by Candy Eastman
Pick up is on time every week. The driver is respectful and careful. The customer service is friendly and helpful.
February 2025 by Pete Bennett
Just switched to waste management for a better price and so far, so good!
January 2025 by Sandra Pitts
our garage was finally picked up today even with all the extra bags. WM we do appreciate the pickup today... I just hope we didn't get any extra charges for all the bags even though we couldn't close the lids on both of them and we didn't want to leave any on the ground. Once again thank you.
Very disappointed in the service. January 13th WM did not pick up driver said couldn't do the weather or something but the other three garbage service trucks that go down our road served our neighbors that day.... January 20th didn't get picked up again probably due to the weather so they've just scheduled us for our regular pickup on January 27th... But now I will have about 15 bags of garbage that won't fit in both our 96 gallon containers which are full so now I will have five bags of garbage on the ground I'm very much assuming I will not get charged then they did not pick it up for the past 2 weeks and now it will be the third week.... Tried three times each week to call the person that we talked to could care less of really what was going on Said there was nothing they could do about it wouldn't send an extra truck out to pick up the extra garbage that was missed
January 2025 by tammy wedlock
We have had nothing but a great experience so far with WM. They are timely, do not leave my trashcan overturned after they set it back down. They actually get out and pick it up. I love the new recycle program, no sorting just place in recycle can, and if they are not going to be able to pick up your trash, they will let you know if you sign up for alerts. Like this week it was due to weather, and they gave me a date in which they would pick it up. With the other trash companies it was "we will get you next time around" There has been no price increase unless you are putting things in the trash you are not supposed to. They do fine you as they have a camera on the arm as it picks up your trash and watches the items being dumped. They do warn you though with an email. Just follow the rules.
January 2025 by Connie Jensen
My cart is always serviced when it is supposed to be at a reasonable cost.
January 2025 by Thane Dykstra
I had a signed contract, but service was never initiated. WM claimed accessibility was an issue, but we have 40 acres to choose from.
January 2025 by CARA M Arver
The service is good, but I'm unhappy with the raise in rates.