August 2022 by Butch Glass
Manager of weidman station neglect their job by not ordering cartridges for the soda machine. The supplies come from Georgia UPS. The person supposedly in charge of ordering waits until they are out ,then it takes up too weeks to get resupplied. Now their out of cherry flavor. As of Friday Lets see how many weeks this will take
December 2019 by Jonathan Mabbitt
Out standing service .
January 2018 by Anonymous Madhouse
After hitting 20 below temperatures we ran out of feul fast, already having an appointment for a fill i called and asked for an earlier fill and they told me its an extra 125 dollars, thats a quarter of my tank in gas, i can't believe i went over seas to fight for my country just to come home and make my 4 month old freeze. Not only does that upset me but this tells me they do this to more people. At what point does it have to get before charges will be pressed for price gouging?