“Well depending on which one,... The manager won't say no names, The one by wacky's is a fraud. She knows what I'm talking about. Only time will prove it. Psst,,, no more perfectly fine chairs in the dumpster after you mark them damaged.. Just sayin better check urself B4 u blame other's... 224”
“I don't go to this store often but if I'm on a budget and still want top quality products, this store is your best friend. The workers are super kind, the place is always well organized and it's easy to find what you need and they have good prices for lots of cool things.”
“The Reading store has gone through a lot of changes over the years, they have just recently started doing some displays which I find helpful because I can see it all at once and decide what items go with each other.The employees are always helpful and knowledgeable of the locations that you will find your item within the store.I would shop here and I often do.”
“Customer Service is pretty good, in a d out without alot of waiting, friendly and welcoming. Parking is a bit tricky. Be very careful as you back out of parking spaces as cars coming in can block you from getting out and block them from parking. We had a little trouble on our way out after picking up some quick drinks. Pretty good selection of food goods, and what not. It's actually a pretty well stocked store for general shopping.”
“The DG store in Quincy mi.... Awesome CLEAN... stocked..store nothing.... Nothing!!! Like the one in?? Coldwater Mi dirty!!! understocked!!! Everything missed place and again Dirty!!!!!!!!!”