July 2024 by Amy Yankoviak
You can tell this review is by a real, unaffiliated person, because it isn't an overly glowing 5! (I'd rate them a single star, except that the agent was at least pleasant while they failed to provide basic insurance services!) I'm actually really disappointed with my experience in *trying* to buy insurance through this agency. I held a homeowners insurance policy sold by this agency, and requested quotes for a new policy, sending the Hogan agent reminders of my request and following up via email and voice mail for over 2.5 weeks. As more and more time passed without receiving anything from Hogan, I provided a hard deadline by which I needed the information and to make the purchase, so that my property insurance would not lapse. The agent agreed that my hard deadline would be easily met, and then...silence. That date came and went and I received no quotes, no call, no email...nothing. With insurance agents like that, who needs enemies? After this utter 'fail' by Hogan, I ended up having to take part of the next morning off work to call insurance companies, get quotes, and make the purchase. I accomplished in 2+ hours what Hogan had failed to accomplish in 2.5 weeks! If my experience is not what you're looking for, you may want to go elsewhere for your insurance needs.