May 2024 by William Moore
Pharmacy never opens on time.
April 2024 by Kendra Shuck
This Rite Aid and the pharmacy employees are more like family. They are so nice and helpful and are fully staffed now, unlike last year, so you get your scripts very quickly and the techs and pharmacist are also able to give you advice, even if it’s personal. They are all great people and are wonderful.
March 2024 by sasha
wonderful rx staff!
March 2024 by Jerimic Clayborn Sr
What a pleasure I've had to see two familiar faces that always make me happy when I look upon them my pharmacist and her tech are two of the best individuals that could ever be in public service. Always so kind and funny and serious and very professional at the same time I have much gratitude for this great pharmacy team that's been assembled at this rite aid location thank you nor and thank you to one of the best pharmacists that i have ever come across she knows who she is you're the best. I look forward to staying healthy and strong so that you don't have to see me at my worst thank you so much for your professional courtesy and caring.
January 2024 by Casandra Cole
Why is this lady messing with my brother so much? His dr approved medication several times and was on the phone with him and the lady really said no they have to call here. She is giving a disabled man a hard time for what? It is not her job to decide what doctors approve of. Do not recommended.
October 2023 by Chad Latz
Great customer service experiences every time I use Rite Aide Pharmacy.
September 2023 by Brad Bushard
the pharmacy I have used for years
September 2023 by Angela Bowersox
My medication (4) was requested by my doctor two weeks ago. Rite Aid told me they never received it. I just confirmed with my dr that he sent four prescriptions two weeks ago… I spoke to the pharmacist directly who denied having them. He said he received two and two weeks ago told me one. Now he says three but not four. When I asked him why the prescriptions weren’t noted or filled two weeks ago he was very rude telling me: “I have patients waiting.” This rude treatment is AFTER I have waited two weeks. I am a loyal Rite Aid consumer who will be switching pharmacies as there are no decent Tite AIDS in the Lansing area,
August 2023 by Summer Dais
My daughter was released from the special care post delivery on the 9th. She was going to the Ronald McDonald house, as her baby is in the NICU. Her grandmother and I took her to Rite Aid to fill her prescriptions. Hospitalized for 8 days, she was released with postpartum pre-eclampsia and on 2 or 3 medications to control her blood pressure.I will have to come back to this. It's positively shameful that she was gven a 3 day partial prescription, but despite numerous empty promises, they put an early postpartum mother in extreme danger. She is now in the process of having to get herlevels back where they should be.THIS is one of the reasons our postpartum death rates are so high in the US. Sparrow could provide the best postpartum care in the world, but none of that matters if the pharmacy doesn't do their job.You had options available to you, including requesting the medication from another Rite Aid, releasing her script (for a blood pressure pill) to have the remainder of it filled at another Rite Aid, calling her doctor for a different medication, etc. This was downright negligence and laziness. The additional stress, especially with this dangerous condition, on a new mom who has a newborn in the NICU,was completely unnecessary and incredibly dangerous.Edited: I will leave my errors in punctuation and whatnot stand in my above review. My only edit is to thank you for responding. I will absolutely reach out to you/the "owner". Another of the medications she was left without is an antidepressant she went on during her pregnancy. This is the last thing she needed with a premature, dangerous labor, delivery, and early postpartum period. I was a nurse before a debilitating, permanently disabling injury. Her OB already had a plan in place for the AD. She was on this medication, which was then similarly dispensed to her in an irresponsible (improper) manner. Instead of protecting her against postpartum depression and continuing her treatment, she was left having to worry not only about her baby and what she has gone through and is going through, but when she would get the rest of her Vasotec and Lexapro. Neither of these medications should be discontinued cold turkey without (weaning or) being directly ordered by a doctor to do so and under their supervision.
July 2023 by Shatory Blackmon
I won't say I shop here but I do no they have all the products essential your looking for and don't have furniture we have all the other kind of stuff though besides kitchen stuff that's it
June 2023 by London Trueworthy
I’ve been going here for a couple years for all my Rx. I’m realistic that they are busy with the volume of Rx they fill. My experience is they are filled in a timely manner. The staff is very helpful and friendly. I’ve not had a bad experience here.
June 2023 by Billy Walk
A cashier named Paul was without a doubt the rudest, most unprofessional employee I have ever had the misfortune to deal with. His attitude made sense when he told me he didn't like dealing with the public. I will never shop in this store again as long as they let people like Paul work there
June 2023 by AmarieB Lansing
The one on MLK and Saginaw is filthy. I've been waiting months for a medicine that's on back order.
March 2023 by Lance Davis
Short staffed. I understand. That’s why I didn’t complain when my prescription that was supposed to be ready at 3 still was not filled at 615. So I sat in a chair directly across from the pharmacist and waited patiently. After sitting for awhile I received a phone call that my prescription was ready. I assumed I would be called to the counter as promised to pick it up if it was in fact ready. I sat another 25 minutes as countless people walked in and were waited on ahead of me. I finally approached the counter and yes.. my order had been ready the whole time. They just let me sit there and never told me. To add insult the employee wearing very dark sunglasses was extremely rude to me and told me I should have expected bad service as they were short. Staffed. I was very patient. At some point there is a very real line between short staffed and doing your best to just outright horrible customer service, a bad attitude and using short handed as an excuse. I’ll be switching pharmacies. This was absolutely unacceptable and not excusable.
December 2022 by Calvin Guile
Closing at 9:00 sign and website say 10:00, people depend on them being open when they say