May 2021 by Reginald Yarbrough
Bank signage posted on the front door requires Customers to complete a Covic19 questionnaire. While completing my questionnaire a "Regular Customer"/w Mask, I didn't assume he was regular.Ms. MILLER-Teller, gave the gentleman his account balance without requesting his ID.The gentleman felt it unnecessary to complete the questionnaire, he entered the Bank was serviced and left. The teller, Ms. Miller never ask for the questionnaire. I presented my questionnaire, she accepted it. I inquired why the gentleman wasn't required to complete the document and she apologized. Totally unacceptable! Further, I'm sure matters would have been very much different if I had avoided the questionnaire and proceeded directly to Ms.Miller. I'm sure that Law enforcement authorities would have been called. I felt violated and definitely discriminated against! When, where does it end! I'm just saying that's how I felt!