Churches & Places of Worship near Delton, MI

4 locations found near Delton

“Fantastic parish; very warm and friendly atmosphere with traditional Catholic teaching. You wouldn't believe it, but this parish is full of children and young families. There is an excellent Montessori/Classic Education Pre-K thru 3rd Grade school that was started a few years ago and will benefit the community for years to come. My 5 yo and 3 yo love their teachers and classmates. They actually can't wait to go to school every day! It's worth every penny to have your kids come home talking about God and Jesus instead of Spongebob and Ipads. Academically, they are on track if not ahead, and the Montessori style means they move about the classroom throughout the day doing "works" they are interested in and learn from at the same time, instead of sitting at desks being forced to "learn" what someone else things they are ready for. I think this is the future of schooling.”

4.3 Superb26 Reviews