December 2023 by S D
There’s something terribly sad about one one the specialists at this office.Verbally abusive, giving false information, speaking very fast, raised voice to the point of having to hang up.The supervisor refuses to respond. Other coworkers admit to their colleagues behavior.I don’t understand why JFCS allows their employee to continue to be abusive to clients. It’s obvious this employee needs help. It’s a shame JFCS is letting her continue to be unprofessional to clients.I have read many more negative reviews on this page. I don’t know why they aren’t visible.SMH
August 2023 by Victoria C.
They are seeking 100 dollar gift cards and cash donations to put migrants in hotels with kitchenettes why is this when most homeless Americans don't even get that. The homeless get , a hotel room sometimes only for short amounts of time like days maybe a week most is private donations. Why are they being set up better then people struggling born here...these people probably will get housing most likely before people already our list for years, it's not ok. Those people will be setup into apartments first also. Watch. Not born here but can be dropped here and then within months be living better than us. Who do I go to for help when I can't get an apartment due to my credit? There isn't any assistance for someone like me. But if I came here illegally I could get assistance and a free hotel room and free schooling. What is my incentive to be a good tax paying American? There isn't one.
March 2023 by Wayne Lockhart
Lovely organization which provides services for all denominations
February 2023 by Phil Collins
Always helpful & caring about getting you what you need. Very consistent at following thru to make sure that it happens .
August 2022 by Liya Shmuter
All staff in JFCS is wonderful. Especially I want to thank Natalie Marquez. She is kind, professional, patient caring and very very helpful. I can't find enought words to thank her
August 2022 by Katherine Iodice
Wonderful people..A plus guys
April 2022 by Beth Budner
My only suggestion is hopefully a well-lit T Commuter Rail station nearby to help save my friends & I a long walk near Crowningshield RD or whatever that "S" street is nearby during extreme weather conditions (i.e. Freezing rain and/or sweltering heat). Yikes!Beth
December 2021 by Kathie - J D Iodice
Wonderful people..A plus guys
June 2021 by deborah mcdermott
Didnt help my son at all
January 2021 by Jonathan S.
Warm Wonderful and Smart staff
January 2021 by stacey devendorf
I cannot thank them enough!
November 2019 by Andrew Cornell
I have been volunteering with the Journey to Safety Program at the Jewish Family and Children's Service for over three years. This is a terrific organization that provides counseling, including legal aid, for victims of domestic violence. The staff is extremely experienced and dedicated and has access to numerous resources to help a victim of domestic violence free themselves from their abuser and rebuild their lives. I strongly recommend this organization to any victims of domestic abuse and anyone looking to assist victims. The organization accepts everyone, regardless of religion or any other status.
May 2019 by Lizbeth לילה Glickman
Can not be overstated how little these people care for disabled seniors. Maybe they should actually hire some Jews who might care about us.