“I recommend Shantigar Foundation unreservedly as a place that exists both in the material world, i.e. as an actual place on beautiful land in the state of Massachusetts where for many years has existed a community of like-minded people convened by Jean-Claude van Itallie on land that was his, and which he has dedicated unreservedly to creating the kind of community of Artists of whatever discipline; and dedicated Buddhists —a/o from whatever other traditions or rejections of traditions— people who are living as best they can, from Spirit or in connection with Spirit, i.e. REGARDLESS of how one names it or couches it, living with respect for one another in service to the world and to a life devoted to seeking G_d (to borrow a habit of orthography that comes from the Orthodox Jews whose ways originate from the same tradition that I do but are usually a good deal to my right, in the sense that they are very rigid and extremely quick to condemn any and all fallings-away from how things are done in Genesis and as the Rabbis set down via the Talmud and the Midrash**, with no exceptions, period end-quote! **I'm tempted here to call it 'the Mishegahss', the spelling of which here is entirely my own as i do not think I have ever seen this word in print, it being a Yiddish word that basically means "all the stuff that had gotten piled on top of whatever was here originally, the nature of which we can either humbly accept and celebrate, OR fight over and claim as our own to the exclusion of anyone or everyone else, depending on how much we are determined to control the world and call our version of it "THE Divine Plan"!”
“I recommend Shantigar Foundation unreservedly as a place that exists both in the material world, i.e. as an actual place on beautiful land in the state of Massachusetts where for many years has existed a community of like-minded people convened by Jean-Claude van Itallie on land that was his, and which he has dedicated unreservedly to creating the kind of community of Artists of whatever discipline; and dedicated Buddhists —a/o from whatever other traditions or rejections of traditions— people who are living as best they can, from Spirit or in connection with Spirit, i.e. REGARDLESS of how one names it or couches it, living with respect for one another in service to the world and to a life devoted to seeking G_d (to borrow a habit of orthography that comes from the Orthodox Jews whose ways originate from the same tradition that I do but are usually a good deal to my right, in the sense that they are very rigid and extremely quick to condemn any and all fallings-away from how things are done in Genesis and as the Rabbis set down via the Talmud and the Midrash**, with no exceptions, period end-quote! **I'm tempted here to call it 'the Mishegahss', the spelling of which here is entirely my own as i do not think I have ever seen this word in print, it being a Yiddish word that basically means "all the stuff that had gotten piled on top of whatever was here originally, the nature of which we can either humbly accept and celebrate, OR fight over and claim as our own to the exclusion of anyone or everyone else, depending on how much we are determined to control the world and call our version of it "THE Divine Plan"!”