April 2017 by Kim K.
Yikes. I just had a terrible experience here yesterday. I live in Lowell and am brand new to running, but I was really excited when I learned about this store. I thought it was going to be great to go into a store where I could do the gait analysis and get help finding the right shoes at a decent price. I was so quickly disappointed. First of all, when I got there around 4:30, I saw a note on the door that said "Be back in a couple minutes." Okay fine, I'm a patient person, I'll wait. So I did. For a half an hour. Finally I called the Acton location (apparently the Lowell location doesn't have a phone) and the gentleman told me he was calling the employee's cell phone, at which time the employee came running up. So I went inside and stood there expecting to be asked questions - what level am I at, how often do I run, where do I run, etc. Nothing. He just told me to pick a shoe from the shelf. I asked about the gait analysis, but the problem was he hardly spoke any English so I don't think he knew what I was requesting. He asked me my size and just started bringing shoes out but didn't do anything to help me decide. I expressed that I'm a beginner and didn't know what to look for. No response. Probably because his cell phone was going off every 30 seconds and he was answering it and speaking to someone he knew. I ended up buying shoes because I do need new running shoes, but I am going back this afternoon to return them. When i looked at them yesterday I realized they were fairly dirty for being new shoes and honestly I don't feel good giving them my business. It was really a shame, I was so excited about this store...