Fantastic bike shop! They teach people to do maintenance, sell new and used bikes, and even have used bike parts. I got my new used bike here and come back whenever I need anything to service it. The people are always helped, and I love being able to buy nice used things and not contribute to the waste steam!
June 2023
Sold me a bike that's completely fallen apart several times over the past few years. Buy anywhere else unless you want something extremely cheap
May 2023
Great source for refurbished and new bones, equipment and repair, but also a great community fixture for rides, events and social change.
When you shop with Bikes Not Bombs, you're making our planet more sustainable. You're giving local youth a chance to learn from senior mechanics. You're helping people around the world achieve economic mobility. And you're getting a good deal!
Bikes Not Bombs uses the bicycle as a vehicle for social change to achieve economic mobility for Black and other marginalized people in Boston and the Global South.