Churches & Places of Worship near Dorchester, MA

12 locations found near Dorchester

“Sit here quietly and whisper to God! Just as the musician was tuning the piano, the music started, and I burst into tears for no reason...
Make a small donation when you go out and be grateful to meet Him here”

4.8 Superb34 Reviews

“Beautiful church. The architecture is absolutely incredible! Very peaceful inside. I was lucky to visit Trinity Church on a Friday shortly before a free 30-minute organ concert (…$10 donations encouraged) began at 12:15pm. What a wonderful experience! I wasn’t planning to pay to go inside the church, but the organ concert made it 100% worth it.”

4.8 Superb55 Reviews

“I love visiting this stunning basilica on my work trips. I had my partner on this trip with me and we decided to make the Saturday vigil before our evening flight. We were greeted by Fr. Phil, he was so kind and prayed a blessing over us, especially for smooth travels back. We were already upgraded on our flight on Delta, but right before boarding we were double upgraded to first class. I was quite sick and in pain on this work trip and I genuinely needed the extra comfort (and a warm dinner in-flight — I couldn’t eat the airport food because of how bad my stomach was feeling). I have status on Delta, and I am always upgraded to Comfort+ but I’ve never had a double upgrade happen. We believe the extra upgrade happened because of Fr. Phil being moved by the Holy Spirit to pray over us and bless us! I’ll always love this basilica, it’s such a special place. ?”

4.8 Superb25 Reviews

“We loved our visit to the Shrine and Monsignor too. He was just wonderful and gave such an amazing homily. The church was so full and the cantor was very gifted. It brought us such joy to worship here surrounded by ships and the sea.”

4.7 Superb43 Reviews

“It's already très content de visiting Madonna Queen of the University, Mais c'était Le Dimanche Rameau où j'ai assisté à la Messe Dominicale. .depuis l'élévateur et même partout,partition, la Crêche c'était wawwww!
Pendant la Messe, which gives me a beaucoup rempli la joy au ♥, c'était après la prêche du Saint Père, tout les enfant qui se trouvaient à L'église ce jours là furent inviter à se rapprocher devant l'Ôtel,et un Message Particulier read ont été communiquer par le Saint Père, à travers un Marionette qui est un object que les enfants apprécient beaucoup, ce qu'a provider une attention particularly des enfants de toutte catégorie,categories, même les adults qui se faisaient passer pour des enfants afin de bien écouter le message Biblique,Social et educatif!
J'invite tout le monde à visiter et vous aurez comme moi la joy d'y revenir!
Que Dieu Vou Bénisse!

I was very happy to visit Madonna Queen of the University, but it was Palm Sunday where I attended Sunday Mass. I was well received, everyone wanted to help me, especially at the time of my visit.from the elevator and even everywhere, partition, the Crêche was wowwww! During the Mass, what really filled me with joy at ♥, it was after the Holy Father's preaching, all the children who were in the church that day were invited to come closer in front of the Hotel, and a Special Message was communicated to them by the Holy Father, through a Marionette which is an object that children appreciate very much, which provided particular attention to children of all categories, even adults who intended to be for children to listen carefully to the Biblical, Social and educational message! I invite everyone to visit and you will, like me, have the joy of coming back! God Bless You!

I had great joy in visiting the Virgen Reina de la Universidad, but I went on Palm Sunday where I attended the Sunday Mass. I was welcomed, everyone wanted to help me, especially when I visited. From the elevator and everywhere, there is a partition. , the guard was standing still! During the Mass, which really filled me with joy, after the Holy Father's preaching, all the children who were staying that day in the church were invited to approach the Hotel, and they communicated a Special Message. by the Holy Father, through a Puppet, an object much appreciated by children, who paid special attention to children of all categories, including adults who intended to be so that children listened attentively to the biblical, social and educational message . I invite you all to visit us and enjoy, as you will have the joy of returning! God bless you!

I was very happy to visit Madonna Queen of the University, but it was on Palm Sunday where I attended Sunday mass. I was well received, everyone wanted to help me, especially during my visit. From the elevator and everywhere, the nursery was wow! During the Mass, what really filled me with joy at ♥, was after the Holy Father's preaching, all the children who were in the church that day were invited to approach in front of the Hotel, and a Special Message was communicated to them by the Holy Father, through a Puppet which is an object that children greatly appreciate, who paid special attention to children of all categories, even to adults who pretended to be so that children could listen carefully to the biblical, social and educational message! I invite everyone to visit and you, like me, will be happy to return! God bless you!”

4.6 Superb37 Reviews

“Straight teaching from the bible place of worship. Non denominational, supportive and caring body. Brother Craigwell (minister and elder is one of the many excellent learders, always available to help, support and educate anyone in need, this quality is echoed throughout the body. They dont judge they teach the word of Gods word."Many years ago the Father of heaven touched my wife, she started her journey to find a God fearing "church" MANY churchs didnt fit the bill, personally I rejected all of them but allowed my wife to walk her walk. every church she went to she soon learned they were a house of viper's (which i knew in 1 visit), my wife became run down and weary, losing hope then God lead her directly to 81 Walnut Ave where she found peace, comfort and the true word of God. My first visit I knew this was the home for her.I thank God, the elders and the body for such an amazing and welcoming place to worship God Almighty.”

4.8 Superb18 Reviews

“A few years ago, I approached a tough roadblock in life that caused me to sought out God and reconnect with my long abandoned faith. As an androgynous lesbian, it’s hard to find a church that won’t judge me. After sitting in multiple worships and different churches, I found this one. At the time it was just Sunday worship in a Middle school in West Roxbury. Not only was worship held in a middle school auditorium, without glorious Christian decor, but no one dressed in their Sunday best. The longer I sat in that worship the more I realized this church accepts all, just like how God accepts all, no matter where you are, what you’re dressed… he accept you for who you are.Now the worship that first day, somehow I felt like it was drafted for me. Every word of the sermon and hymn sang, was exactly what I needed to hear. I cried the 75% of the worship.It’s been 4 years, they finally found an appropriate church building. Still minimalistic, but that’s how it should be. Glad I’m still a member here.”

4.7 Superb10 Reviews

“Beautiful, ornate church. I love that this parish is right in the middle of a neighborhood. I was here for just a short time. Thankful to be able to attend Mass.”

4.9 Superb33 Reviews

“CLJ is the best church I've been to in Boston. I've been a member since 2008. I am very blessed to be part of this organization. This church is Bible-based and is very well organized. It has an amazing worship team and many programs that serve its members and the community. It's great! Come visit us!”

4.6 Superb22 Reviews

“Let me start off by giving a special thank you to the funeral director Leila. Not only was she was super kind, but also went above and beyond to insure my family and I were as comfortable and taken care of as possible. She greeted every single person with a smile, gave frequent updates, and treated us like she would her own. We are truly grateful to have had such a caring person leading my Grandfather’s transition. And let me not fail to mention when we ran out of programs Leila expeditiously printed more during the service and personally brought them to the repass. We couldn’t be more thankful foe her and the Jubilee church! Thanks again, sincerely!”

4.4 Superb31 Reviews

“This review represents only MY experience and understanding of First Church and its liturgy. By way of introduction, I don't consider myself a Christian, and for years avoided church because I was turned off by the Christian creed. (For those unfamiliar with the UU tradition, UU churches are noncreedal, something I find refreshing.) I've been attending First Church since 2008, and love it. First, I'd like to respond to and hopefully clarify prior observations about the church's Christian influence. From my understanding, UU churches range broadly with regard to their liturgical influences. While there is a Christian influence in the liturgy, we typically do not refer to "Christ," or anything that invokes the Trinity (we are, after all, Unitarians). References to Christ per se occur at Christmas and Easter. They also occur during the short communion services held monthly after the main service for those who choose to partake in them. To be clear, while we refer regularly to Jesus the teacher, the holy man, and the revolutionary, we do not refer to Jesus dying for our sins. We also do not refer to the virgin birth, the resurrection, and so forth, all of which were prominent elements of my Congregational/UCC background. But enough of what we are NOT. I'd also like to comment on what I find First Church to be, and why I keep coming back: I like that the sermons, readings, and other thematic content in the services draw from a broad range of spiritual and secular traditions. I find our cross comforting as a pleasant holdover from childhood and as a meaningful object of meditation. I like reciting the Lord's Prayer as one reminder of how to live ethically. I like our use of "God," because there is no expectation that everyone believes in God or that everyone's conception of God is the same. I love our choir, our soloist, and our historic organ. I love seeing our beautiful children enjoy our religious education program. I love our beautiful and historic building. I appreciate the contrasts among different components of our worship services. I find our minister, the Rev. Terry Burke, to be wise, warm, and wonderful, active politically, and very kind. And as James pointed out in his review, we are very friendly, which is important to me. Our congregation is spirited, caring, and energetic. I would recommend that anyone researching churches go back several times to any church they are investigating. One service is simply not enough to get to know a church community's strengths, challenges, and "feel." My experience of church changes from week to week depending on my mood, what else is going on in my life, and the flow of energy around me. In closing, I feel very much at home at First Church in Jamaica Plain and am proud to be a member.”

4.8 Superb10 Reviews

“The salvation Army is a great bunch of people they provide for what ever community there near with food n for me nice enough to listen, Every season I ring the bell when ever I get the chance to and it helps me have a really nice Christmas thanks Salvation army Buddy O'Flaherty”

3.6 Good17 Reviews