June 2023 by Chris S.
You want to catch, fish with Mike aboard the Magic. You won't be disappointed. Tuna, bass, blues, fluke, he's got you covered.
March 2023 by Peggy G.
Beware of Mike Abdow Fishing Charters. My family and I went to Chatham last July. We booked a fishing charter for our group of five with him. The only positive thing I can say is that he is quite knowledgeable and knows where the fish are, but I would not recommend him. It was hard to have a normal conversation with him or to ask questions because he was so sarcastic and arrogant 100% of the time. He is a bully and made fun of us all, sometimes in a sexist way toward the women in our group. When I booked the fishing trip, I was quite clear in communicating to him that we wanted to take home some fish. We planned it at the beginning of our two-week stay so that we could have time to enjoy eating the fish we caught. We caught several legal fish, 28" up to 35", which we could have kept, but he threw them all back in the water, without explaining to us how the recent 35 inch commercial limit works. He put four of the largest ones we caught in the hold (35+ inches), which we figured would be enough for all of us. When we arrived back at the harbor, he would not allow us to keep any of the fish (!) He wanted to keep them so that he could sell them himself. Finally, he reluctantly filleted one of them for us, but he was not happy about it.
January 2023 by Kate Bartholomew
Fishing with Mike is the best. He knows where the fish are, and how to bring them on board. We have never gone home without a keeper. 100% recommend a trip out with him.
June 2022 by Kate Johnston
Fishing with Mike is the best. He knows where the fish are, and how to bring them on board. We have never gone home without a keeper. 100% recommend a trip out with him.
January 2018 by chris pawliuk
I've been fishing with Captain Mike for over 10 years and it has been outstanding. There is no one better. Courteous, professional, and best of all he ALWAYS puts you on the fish. If you want to catch bass by the dozen and HUGE tuna, Mike is your man.
January 2018 by Duane Mason
My best friend Nick and I have fished with Captain Mike every year for more than 10 years. In al kinds of weather ,all types of seas and for stripped bass and tuna. We have consistently caught fish when others did not and thoroughly enjoyed our time with Captain Mike. He is a no frills die hard fisherman who knows the Cape waters better than anyone else I know. If your serious about fishing, and want to experience the "catch of a lifetime" then Captain Mike is your charter man. He is the "Standard" by which I judge all other Charters from Florida to Mexico. A fun day fishing with a real Cape Cod Character. Duane Mason
January 2018 by Stuart Randle
Been tuna fishing with Mike 5 or 6 times, and have caught fish EVERY trip. Last year, pulled in (2) 300 lb tuna about 45 minutes apart. Previous year, pulled in (5) 150ish lb fish. Different place every year - Mike always knows where they are!!!
January 2017 by Aaron Sevigny
If you like to catch fish Captain Mike's the man!Had us on Seabass right from the first cast and all day thereafter.Lots of fun and keeps moving to stay on fish if the bite slows.Book early, he's busy and now I know why!
January 2017 by Joey Godino
I have fished with him before, seemed like an alright guy but I tried to book a family event with him and after some issues with everyone schedules I let him know 14 days before the booked date that i would have to cancel with him, I sent him several emails and left voice messages for him but all went unanswered. I then called him from a different numbers which he called back right away and when i told him who i was he hung up on me, after telling me "your all set". Thanks Mike for taking time out of your busy schedule to get back to a repeat customer. Anyone looking to fish go elsewhere his attitude and customer service sucks!