September 2018 by Annabelle G.
The correct address for this florist's business is: Address: 80 Essex St, Boston, MA 02111. As this is a Chinese-owned business, if you don't speak Chinese/Cantonese dialect, ask the person who answers the phone for someone who speaks English (although this person, by the name of Diana, also has "broken English"---so PLEASE be patient, and be prepared to spell out every letter of the alphabet to the Giftee, Funeral Home's Name, etc., i.e.: if the name is "Ann"--spell out/state: "A" like apple, "N" as in Nancy,etc. Because my Mom's funeral was the next morning and I procrastinated...I ended up calling on that Thursday before @11 am (!-yikes!), since I never ordered flowers before, hence didn't know that the flowers needed to be prepared and delivered later that same Thursday to the funeral home(yikes!). Because it was a traditional Chinese funeral, it needed ink calligraphy Chinese wording, funeral-related addressed flowers from the Daughter, and the Grand-daughter of my deceased Mother, hence I needed to order the funeral arrangements via a Chinatown florists. Warning: for such short notice order, they needed you to order more than just (1) flower arrangement, hence I ordered one addressed/gifted by Me, and then separate arrangement from my daughter (as the Grand-daughter). Fair enough, since I did do this "very last minute". The price for (2) Chinese-style funeral arrangements came to about $275 (not sure if that's too much), but it was not the lowest end range which began at $70-$90 range, so I picked something in the "middle" price range). I did worry if the florists were able to "pull it off"; the next morning when I arrived at my Mom's wake, the (2) flower arrangements were there !!!! --- and they correctly spelled out mine and my daughter's names in English!!! (YAY!!). Although it didn't contain any red roses (had yellow ones) in my arrangement....they were a good-sized arrangements. All-in-all, I'd recommend this Chinese florists for anyone Chinese-Americans who don't speak/write/know much about Chinese funerals, and need to order flowers for a close, older, deceased relative---give this florist a try, but call days in advance (unlike Me), and like I said earlier, BE PATIENT to be on the phone for at least 20 minutes to ensure correct spelling of everything as I explained earlier above.