December 2016 by Casey McNabb
I can't say enough great things about Kids' Farm. They're the reason my two-year-old daughter loves school. At home, she talks about her teachers and friends. She has learned her ABCs and how to spell her name, and she has a full repertoire of songs and games that she will sing and play at home. She has a blast playing outside and enjoys all of the activities that Kids' Farm plans. Some of her favorites include: making and eating pudding pops, dressing up as her favorite super hero, participating in water day, and jumping in a moon bounce. Kids' Farm has become her home away from home. I can also say that I love dropping off and picking up my daughter. The teachers are friendly and take the time to answer questions. Every day my daughter brings home a project that she created at school and is connected to a unit of learning. At Kids' Farm I know my daughter is safe, cared for, loved, and challenged every day!