Hands down and pound for pound, JB Fitness Studio will delivery on your fitness goals and beyond. I've trained with Coach Holloway since 2016 and my gains increase everyday. I have SO MUCH more energy, I'm physically stronger and I have lasting endurance. See for yourself and I promise you'll be glad you did!
January 2017
I've been training at Johnnie Boi Fitness for 9 months consistently and I am so much stronger and fit than ever! Ever routine is more challenging than the last and I've watched my body change and new muscles develope. I'm in it to win it. #FinishWhatYouStart
JB Fitness is a boutique fitness studio offering strength training classes and personal training. The studio classes incorporate TRX, kettlebells and dumbbells. Follow JB on Facebook or Instagram @Johnnieboifitness. Email: Johnnieboifitness@gmail.com.