Excellent organization! Ran by caringstaff out to help protect and support all who care for felines!
September 2022
Alley Cat Allies does a lot of good work in the world, so let's not leave "catty" comments, (pun). By the way, feral is not spelled "ferrell". Cats need all the friends they can get! Cheers!
May 2021
People who claim that cats are the reason why birds are becoming extinct are merely blaming cats so they don't have to take responsibility themselves.. unless you live in a windowless tent in between the trees, you are to blame for the decimation of wildlife.
Alley Cat Allies believes every cat deserves to live out his or her life to the fullest. Founded in 1990, Alley Cat Allies is the leading advocacy organization for cats with a mission to transform and develop communities to protect and improve the lives of all cats and kittens. Together with our over 1 million supporters, we work toward a world where cats are valued and every community has humane and effective programs and policies to defend them. Our website is www.alleycat.org, and we are active on Facebook, X (Twitter), Instagram, Linkedin and YouTube.