August 2023 by audra Taylor
I just got screamed at literally by a underslept blonde. Because I didn't know the zip code for my QR CODE! All I said was have to go waterville because you guys don't have a scanner then. She went completely off. I will say the other blonde last week was so polite about my missing package and or mail delivery person is so personable.
April 2023 by Donovan Gregoire
Mail carriers are completely useless and will randomly decide to not deliver packages, holding them and then lying saying it was under "customer request." Beyond unprofessional and if you have the option avoid them at all costs
February 2022 by Kirsten MacDonald
This is one major reason I don't like living in this area. They hold your mail and won't tell you. You have to call and ask them where it's been. In winter any day the post man can say is to dangerous as an excuse to not deliver, that's a way to get away with not doing your job. I've been looking in my mailbox for a week and found nothing. If I was able to look at my mailbox safely how is it unsafe to deliver it. Then I call and complain about them holding onto my mail because they say it's to dangerous when...no it's not. They tell me I can get a P.O box which costs $$$. So instead of having a mail guy deliver my items, you want me to pay monthly for a P.O box??? In the winter, this place is pathetic!! They have done this to everyone on my street. Why is it so hard for people to just do their job???
January 2022 by Toddrick Halls
Valencia sounds awfully manly.
September 2021 by Valencia Dumas
I can’t wait for the day that mail can be delivered from private companies. Every day that goes buy, the service gets worse. It should never take more than a week to get a letter 15 miles down the road
August 2021 by V D.
Horrible service. I'm lucky to even get mail anymore. Nothing ever arrives on time. This week, the mail hasnt even shown up. I'm getting really sick of this.
April 2020 by Sarah W.
You know that scene in the move "Funny Farm" where the crazy mailman throws the mail at Chevy Chase and nearly runs him over? I feel like I have had to deal with that exact same mailman for nearly ten years. For ten years my mailman has abjectly refused to deliver boxes to my house. When I inquire at the local post office, the workers have told me that he is afraid of dogs and even though the dogs (2 Golden retrievers that would lick you to death) are never outside and loose when he is doing mail runs he refuses to drop our packages at our house. He has now gotten to the point where he doesn't even leave a notice that they are at the post office. I only know my packages are there because I track my shipments. Which I do because of this situation. So in a time or e-commerce.. where things should be easily delivered.. this one mailman is not having any of it. I have complained to the local office and to the regional post master to no avail. I don't complain lightly. I am a union worker and believe strongly in the the USPS and their unionized workers. Although he is a rural carrier and i don't know if they are also Union, i still would have preferred to not go the route of getting a worker "in trouble". I have attempted to resolve this with him directly but got yelled at. Sadly now I find myself on a Yelp review leaving my stores so that others can know that their packages may too be at risk. Why can this not be fixed? I am so frustrated!
February 2019 by Chris C.
Your local small town post office located not far from the "downtown" of Vassalboro. When we moved to the area they helped us set up our mailbox and stayed in touch with us giving us updates on getting us added to the route. Very friendly staff and it's not typically busy. The hours are convenient for the most part but would be nice to see them open later on a few days of the week.