Arrow Termite & Pest Control is a family-owned and locally operated pest control company that has served Louisiana since 1958. Our trained, licensed staff service the Baton Rouge area, providing general pest control services, termite inspections and treatment, and rodent control and exclusion. We offer our Baton Rouge area customers free inspections, no-hassle pest control estimates, and a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all services. Our technicians are professionally trained and backed by a board-certified entomologist. They have the pest control tools and knowledge to protect your home. Whether you need ongoing pest control services, or a one-time treatment, trust Arrow Termite & Pest Control in Baton Rouge to protect your home.
Other Information
Pest Types: Cockroaches, Bats, Bed Bugs, Termites, Mosquitoes, Fleas, Ticks, or Mites, Rodents
Pest Methods: Environmentally Friendly, Organic
Services: AntsBedbugsCockroachesCommercialConsultationsCricketsEarwigsFleas & TicksMosquitoesMothsPest Control ServicesResidentialRodentsSpiders