Your time is more valuable than any money you might save on tires. I understand there are long wait times every now and again. You should warn a customer they they will have to wait over FIVE hours to have a set of tires put on. Don't let them waste your time.
October 2021
The guys back there were great I loved how tge man with the glasses took his time to help everyone and not just rush them out of tge way he made sure everyone was happy great service he was great in a busy time and we all felt like the only one who mattered great young man
September 2021
Horribly long wait times. Took the vehicle in on a Tuesday midday and waited for over three hours. The vehicle sat on the lift with the tires off for over an hour. Absolutely terrible customer service as they seemed bothered by customers and business. Would not recommend. Unless you can leave your car all day.