They have almost everything you can imagine for a fish tank and they won't sell you sick fish like a chain store.
May 2024
Professional fish tank installation and maintenance. Beautiful tropical fish!
March 2024
i love this fish store me and my boys took our lifted truck over just check out some fish and the man working there was really nice and kinda cute he had me blushing a lil. Anyways the fish were healthy and nice and he had a wide range of fish but 1 told me i looked young ( im 67 years old ) that made my day
Aquarium service company specializing in custom installations, service and rental aquariums. Our retail store is open to the general public on Saturdays only from noon to 5PM. Saltwater and freshwater are both available as well as a large variety of both dry and frozen aquarium food. We also have several hundred gallons of RODI and premixed saltwater for your convenience.