Brittany G. was so helpful ordering the supplies I needed. I really appreciated her quick response and most of all her kindness.
December 2022
She actually helped and attempted to get me some Cust Service. I cannot tell you how many times, I have held on to speak with someone. The worst was about 12 days ago, I held on for almost an hr., I ASSummed that she would have called me back but NOOO. I did appreciate Jessica trying to help. You guys are just too busy... read full comment
November 2022
My Sleep Care agent was Josiah Curtis who professional, kind and he was advice I could truly use. I feel you are fortunate to have this man in your employ. He is a keeper and represents your company well.
Sleep Central is committed to improving your quality of life by helping you get the most out of your sleep therapy for a better night's sleep. CPAP compliance can seem complicated, and maintaining and replacing your CPAP equipment is crucial to staying healthy and maximizing the effectiveness of your therapy. Rotech's SleepWELLâ„¢ Program is there for you every step of the way! We will work with you and your physician to ensure you are set up for success and getting the most out of your sleep therapy for healthy sleep and brighter days ahead!