November 2023 by Satta Quarva
Great place
October 2023 by Meg
Beautiful. Great place to visit!
June 2023 by Krishna Samy Nadar
Amazing peace ☮️ Healing ❤️ Lots of Energy flowing through the body like a Reiki session.
August 2021 by Ven
A beautiful Buddhist temple with a big meditation hall. The abbot is very humble and friendly and speaks English well.
June 2021 by Ly Huynh
This is where l spend almost all my Sundays. I love this place as it brings me peace to my mind and kindness to my heart. Thanks to people of this temple, l have a place to call my second home.
April 2021 by Scott Luong
Great place, great people and an even greater community.
February 2021 by CHAKMA GURU
A beautiful Buddhist temple with a big meditation hall. The abbot is very humble and friendly and speaks English well.
January 2021 by Phong Vo
A lovely place to worship and join the communities. Amazing Vietnamese people all around and kids
December 2019 by Loi LeMix
I frequently spend my time here to provide audio charity work for the temple. I thoroughly enjoy the friendly encounters and experience everytime I am here.
September 2019 by its tammy
Neet and very interesting
August 2019 by Shawn Smith
Lovely place, urban garden, the smell of their cooking