July 2024 by Michelle French
Don't shop at either kroger in frankfort, the u scans are always broke or freeze up takes 30 mins or more to check out...because you have to wait on someone to always come help you. I walked out of kroger west side last week left a whole cart of groceries! Bring back real people to check you out maybe I will come back...UPDATE: Kroger in Brighton Park actually has everything now but unfortunately west side Kroger still has nothing ever I have given up on them... sad because I live right down the road and have to go across town
July 2024 by Charles Wattier
Huge store. Easy to find. Not very well stocked tho
June 2024 by xavier tester
Young guy named Adam was real helpful in finding what I needed, many thanks.
June 2024 by cynthia briscoe
Poor Check Out Management: Was in check out line with 15-20 items. Looked like management was helping customer with phone pricing in line as I was standing there. No one apologized or suggested maybe I move to another line. Finally, put items back in cart and moved to another line. Again, not recognized nor an apology. After checking out, went up front to report situation. On way out, the customer and manager still had the line clogged and the light was still on!!!? Absolutely, no excuse for poor management like this!!!!!
May 2024 by Eric Priddy
Kroger has moved everything in the store around. So,I had to search for the items I needed. It was an adventure.
May 2024 by Cooking with Rogelio Cocinando con Rogelio
This is for the Starbucks inside you really need to do something about it waiting 30 min for 2 cakepops the lady didn't have any sense of urgency and was taking her sweet time Making 2 coffees "Kerstyn" probably needs more training
May 2024 by Sandy Henize
I called to ask them to get Diet Sundrop in 12 pack cans back. The service department said they couldn't do that. They had no control. I asked if there was anyone I could talk & they said no. I called the Sundrop Co. & they told me to ask the store to stock them. I told him what they said to me. He was shocked. Most stores care what customers want! He was going to look into it. Hopefully he can do something. Krogers sure won't. Walmart doesn't carry them either, but maybe I should ask them.
April 2024 by Makenzy Scott
Horrible service in the liquor section. Absolutely unprofessional whatsoever. The lady at the register argued with my sister and I about having different state IDs because we live in different states... She followed us into the Parking lot screaming and wanting to fight. Will never ever shop there again. Will be taking all my future purchases to ocean breeze where their employees do not harass people.
April 2024 by Debbie Anglin
Things were not have prices on a lot of things. Paid 16.99 for a 3lb hamburger in a package I wouldn't had brought this. A lot the meats didn't have prices on them. Not happy with me visit
April 2024 by Emily Keene
Why change it?! There are whole groups on Facebook bashing the change. It was a waste of their time and ours. Also their management suck!!!!!
March 2024 by Neatra Snook
Yes, pegasus pins ? ?
March 2024 by Sarah Parsons
Delivery (with Boost membership) - this morning I was bringing in my delivery items and I had gotten half of my stuff and half of somebody else’s stuff. When I called the store, I was directed to call Instacart. So they handed off the problem to Instacart. I told them I did not use Instacart, that I’ve always done Kroger delivery. They said that Kroger delivery has always used Instacart. I don’t like Instacart because when I’ve used it before, it was also wrong. Anyway, it’s the store’s responsibility to call Instacart, not mine. If they want to use it, fine, but they must manage it. I don’t care if I sound like a Karen, this is unprofessional.
March 2024 by Tim “Bird or Bullet” Terry
ACTUALLY, glad you asked - got coffee @Starbucks where sadly 1 young gal ALONE was serving working ? DID I SAY by herself! So pleasant, diligent, WORKING as 5 of us were to Order. God bless her n shame on the Owner of KROGER StarSUX, and that 2nd worker who called out on a busy Friday morning. Giv this lil gal a RAI$E n praise!!! Oh n a $10 Tip ? What if your daughter?
February 2024 by Vive Cultura y tradicion
"I have always had excellent experiences at the Kroger store. The staff is very attentive and helpful, and they are always willing to help. The variety of products is wide and the quality is excellent. In addition, the prices are competitive. I would recommend this store to anyone looking for a satisfactory shopping experience!
February 2024 by gary moberly
The items I needed were in stock and reasonably priced.