“The Holy Spirit lives here! People are all loving, kind, Pastor and wife are true to their mission from God, and I happen to love the monthly pot luck dinners and all the activities found in this small Church. They all care about YOU! Please come join us and experience the love of Christ! We love you, not your clothes, come as you are! And remember, we are all sinners, saved only by the grace and love of God! You have not sinned so much that God will not forgive you and make you a brand new person! He loves you more than any earthly love we know! Come, be forgiven! Be loved! Join us in praise and worship of our Almighty God!Sunday School 9:30amChurch services 10:30am”
“I grew up going to this church. We moved away when I was 13. Pastor Knight was the pastor than. Tommy and Bea Crast was my mentors as well as Cookie and Sidney. We have family buried there. I took my daughter yesterday to see it and visit graves. I’m praying to return to services soon. I live in muhlenburg co now. Pastor Capps Baptized me and my sisters here. I won the church state and national bible drill and represented our church Proudly. My sister crystal Vickery was married in this church. Our best friend is also buried here. Michael Foughn. He was an amazing person. So is his sister Michelle Foughn now Swanson she lives in Princeton.”