“Wonderful place if you are wanting to eat Mexican food that is definitely real and the thrift store Salvation Army and Harbor Freight nice little shopping area good place”
“Got a watermelon at Target for the 4th of July. It was delicious, so picked up another today. Also picked up an order I placed yesterday got 30% off a bunch of Cricut stuff.”
“Stopped in to The Dollar Tree for a few things - we don't have this store where I live. It's always for to see what I find! It was a nice, clear, organized store with plenty of cashiers for the holiday lines! ?”
“Nothing Bundt Cakes are delicious! It's the only cake that I will eat the frosting. They freeze well and are perfect for saying thank you to someone. All of the flavors are delicious, I haven't found one that I don't like.”
“I've not been to any shops, except to Spin. I've rated them in another review, not this one. So I'm guessing about this review on the rest of the shops.”