June 2023 by Google user
Was yelld at while still useing the bathroom for being in the bathroom for to long. I was in the stall for less then ten minutes. I was then rudely informed the restrooms r for customers only. Im sorry, i did want to buy my stuff befor using the bathroom. Would highly recommend goin somewhere else. Terrible people and terrible prices.
March 2023 by Ashly Presnell
Don't go by the price on the sign. The fine print says cash only. It's 0.20 higher if you use a card.
October 2022 by Ann Kessler
Got gas (credit price was .20 higher the cash). Went to get hot chocolate and the man working was wearing ear buds and when I told him the hot chocolate was out he walked away so I went to the counter and had to get his attention. When I told him he acted unconcerned and just said there is nothing at the beveridge station. It was all out. I told him he should put a sign up. He said “have a nice day” and went back to his phone. Wish there was a way to post no stars. ?
August 2022 by leaf
Sign pricing was inaccurate, no windshield cleaning fluid (not even the sponge), receipt paper was completely gone
June 2022 by Josh Hudson
Not sure how you can charge a cash price when your little while in the wall stop and shop is closed at 9 pm. Glad we didn’t purchase here! SHOP ELSEWHERE!
January 2022 by Desiree Huffman
The store was clean and everything but the lady at the counter seemed aggravated that my husband and I with my 2 kids came in. Nobody else was even in there so I don't understand her aggravation, seemed as if we interrupted her maybe, from who knows what. I'll make sure not to stop in again at this store.
January 2022 by Mark Slaughter
Complete RIP-OFF gas price today! $2.99 Regular unleaded. Sign says cash only, ok. Slipped in Debit card....$3.79!!!!!! Last time I checked debit is cash but I saw sign. They mean paper. Bad enough it's construction mess that puts you right in there so they decided just screw people. AVOID it and go anywhere else.
January 2021 by kendal banks
No masks worn by either employee working today. Not pleased that I spent my money here to potentially be out in harms way by the staff. Would recommend going elsewhere.
January 2021 by Eric Jaramillo
Clean bathrooms, totally touchless. Nicely stocked convience store. On westbound side of i70
March 2020 by Nichole Knowles
Clean bathrooms and friendly staff!
February 2020 by raptor1 raptor1
Clean station
October 2019 by William Burrow
Traveling on I 70 easy to get to and good gas price
August 2019 by Colt Stubblefield
F this place, $.40/gal more cause they’re counting on people being desperate. Go a little south of I70 and buy from honest people.
August 2019 by Smiling One
Buy a half litre soda and they still charge for a half cup of ice. Gas prices are higher than the others around. Stingy place!
June 2019 by Sarah Peterson
Clean bathrooms. Clean establishment. Not big but a nice selection.