October 2023 by Jenny K.
I work for this company 10 years ago and I worked for the company for 3 years. A year ago I came back to the company and it has been absolutely wonderful. They value their employees and the persons they serve. They show they care about their employees. I wish I never left 10 years ago but I am really glad I came back. I don't plan on going anywhere.
July 2023 by Truck Driver
The black guy driving a mini van pulled in front of my semi with no signal and slammed the brakes on so he wouldn't rear end the car front of his vehicle,,I almost smashed into him ,,when I git on i80 he was swerving all over and speeding down the road to avoid me catching up,,nice you hire these professional LOSERS to drive clients around,, shame on you
July 2023 by James Carman
The black guy driving a mini van pulled in front of my semi with no signal and slammed the brakes on so he wouldn't rear end the car front of his vehicle,,I almost smashed into him ,,when I git on i80 he was swerving all over and speeding down the road to avoid me catching up,,nice you hire these professional LOSERS to drive clients around,, shame on you
June 2023 by Kelsie Gould
I just started in May, and they bumped my pay too $18.00 (new hires get that pay now) it is the most I have seen for a DSP at any place in Iowa. Linda the director fights for the people we serve, and staff! I recommend this job to anyone!
June 2023 by Andy McKool
I hate this company cause they always they lied to my new company about liliana and kicked me out because they didn’t ever care about me and I had to be transferred to a d*** group home that doesn’t support me and no freedom at all. And it’s affecting me and my moms relationship so I hate this company for real don’t go there ur hate it. Workers are mean and liars and they make things up.
June 2023 by Wamubi Mwenyi
I’m happy to work with this company, everything is easy in my life now because this company gives me opportunity to spend time with my family and to achieve my goals too. This company is the best.
June 2023 by Jenny Kinney
This company truly cares about the people they serve. They do everything they can, so the people that they serve have a fulfilled, happy life.
September 2022 by C 3
This company cares nothing about their workers or persons served. They will bully you into quitting, will make false accusations, and will not listen to your concerns. Whatever you do TAKE PICTURES OF EVERYTHING. Keep all text etc. This place is not for the pregnant or people who actually care for individuals. The CEO is fake and you will meet new workers every day because they can not keep employees.
August 2022 by C.C Cox
This company cares nothing about their workers or persons served. They will bully you into quitting, will make false accusations, and will not listen to your concerns. Whatever you do TAKE PICTURES OF EVERYTHING. Keep all text etc. This place is not for the pregnant or people who actually care for individuals. The CEO is fake and you will meet new workers every day because they can not keep employees.
June 2022 by Muta
Best working environment. Best bosses ever. Amazing persons served!
May 2022 by Everly Harris
I worked for Link for two months, and it is an awful place to work for. As a Direct Support Professional, they ask you to do more work than a CNA but don't want to pay you for it. They have you give medications before you pass a class allowing you to do so. They pair you up with potentially dangerous individuals that can't be left alone in the community and physically and verablly abuse the workers, are completely incompetent, and lie and blame their subordinates when management drops the ball on their duties/services. They punish their workers for being victims of their clients' manipulations. They are obsessed with money and billing and actively set up their employees to fail by not providing them the necessary tools to do their job, particularly if it doesn't charge the most to their clients. When management was informed of hostile work environment, they protected the harassing supervisors and threatened to punish myself and my fellow DSPs at my location. They discriminated against my medical accomodation request of bringing an emotional support animal to work, while allowing other employees to bring theirs, even when I watched that particular animal attempt to attack other staff.Most importantly, they TRAP workers with a Sign On Bonus disguised as a Pay Agreement, that they make you pay back if you leave for any reason. Even when they set you up to fail and you are harassed on the job by them. They make you sign the Agreement immediately before you know the awful work environment you're getting in to. The Executive Director Linda Dunshee claims to have an open door policy but protects the perpetrators in the workplace and makes accusations against the victims. I wouldn't trust then with ANYONE I know. Don't trust them with your livelihood or the lives of your family members. This company will fail them. I personally watched my supervisor body shame and insult one of their persons served right after their father died. They're sick and take advantage of people who enjoy caring for others.
April 2022 by Meghan Mahoney
Like all the activities they're all very nice people and leaders in leisure area
January 2022 by Marcie McCutchen
I really love all of the activities and sports I also really love all of the leaders
December 2021 by Judy W.
I have worked for Link Associates for 22 years, as have many of my co-workers. The pay is not great, as we are a non-profit organization, but we have a great group of caring individuals who have dedicated ourselves to helping the people we serve to reach their full potential. Our people served have input into their goals and we try to integrate their familes as much as possible. I have seen many employees come and go. This is not the job for everyone. It requires alot of giving of yourself, your time and your caring. Are we overworked? Often , as most in direct care. Is everyday fun? Of course not. We deal with health issues, problem days, and helping others when they are sick or having bad days, but this is life and as most places, hard to get good help. But the big picture is giving others the chance to be their best self, to be happy and safe, and helping them to meet their goals. I believe Link Associates tries hard to do just that.
June 2021 by Michael Perry
Van driver loading passengers with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth...how unprofessional