February 2023 by Neil Harris
Judy helped me buy and sell my first house and recently helped me purchase a condo. I do believe she truly cares about her customers and wants whats best for them. I will always call Judy if I need help with the purchase of a home.
August 2022 by denisa fountain
Judy Avenson is the only realtor I have worked with for my last three moves. She's well connected, not afraid to make calls and find information when it's difficult. She knows the market and what will get your house sold fast. Her advice has been the best and her standards are top shelf.
February 2022 by Haley Hepker
We had Judy for the process of buying a new home and selling our old one. She was amazing! We didn't have to worry about a thing, she took care of it all. And everything was done super fast, even selling our old home. I would definitely recommend her if you are looking to buy or sell a home!
October 2021 by Suzanne Nickel
There is never any follow up from Steve Peterson long history with Pendleton Square condominiums located in Hiawatha Iowa
October 2021 by Theresa Kaye
Judy was so good to work with! very friendly, always available for questions, and very good at keeping me informed. Did a great job helping me find the perfect house!
May 2020 by Scott Newman
Judy is a killer realtor. She is knowledgeable, professional, has many contacts outside of the norm, very responsive and is the best I have known over many decades. I would highly recommend Judy for your realty needs.
March 2020 by Rebekah Stewart
Judy was absolutely amazing with the sale of our old home and purchase of our new one! We had a difficult seller and she was able to keep things on track when it got tense. She also wasn't pushy AT ALL! Buying and selling can be so stressful, but Judy kept things positive and calm. If you're looking for a helpful realtor who genuinely cares about your family, Judy is your person!
February 2020 by Karla Aiels
My realtor, Judy is the greatest! She handled the sale of my house with ease and grace and wrangled in a "difficult" buyer with grace and she always knew just who to contact to help with all the details from the city for fencing concerns the buyer had to quality handymen to fix the buyer's laundry list after inspection. She kept me from going crazy many times and explained everything I needed to know which was a real blessing as a first time seller. I wouldn't have survived this without her. Thank you Judy Avenson! If you are in the market for a place I encourage to get in contact with her!
December 2019 by Douglas Wick
Steve Peterson was one of the first people I met when I moved to Cedar Rapids in 1999. He is thorough, professional, and most of all interested in discovering what you want for a home, as well as why. The latter helps him share ideas and choices you might not have considered. Judy does an incredible job getting the facts and research on properties, evaluating yours as well as those you are considering. When I prepared to sell my home in 2016 they were my first and only choice to consider for the transaction and helping me a find a condo in the Linn Mar school district my son wanted to stay in so he could graduate there. You won't find any one who is more professional, experienced nor truly sincere in doing what's best for you and your interest than Steve & Judy.
December 2019 by staci quick
Just Avenson is fabulous! She has represented me on both sides - buying and selling - in many transactions over the years. Time and again, I turn to Judy as she is always dependable, direct, and takes the position I want on the transaction. I wanted a quick sale on my cute bungalow; we put the price point where it needed to be, marketed it and sold in 3 days. I was ecstatic! Because Judy looks at a potential house with my best interests in mind, she offers thoughtful guidance and shows me houses that are within my budget. I highly recommend Judy as your Realtor!
December 2019 by Sarah Burnes
If you are in the market for a realtor, you've found her. Look no further.I have had the opportunity to work with Judy in both buying (twice) and selling (once) my homes in the last five years. To say that she goes above and beyond is an understatement. Judy has a deep understanding of the market. She knows the buying/selling trends for the areas you're interested in so you can feel confident in the advice and suggestions she offers in every step of what can be an extremely stressful process. Judy has a true gift for recognizing when her clients need a counselor, a straight-shooter for a good dose of honesty or even just a swift kick in the pants. (Most of the time it's a little bit of each.) I recommend Judy with zero hesitation.
December 2019 by Julie Troendle
Judy is very thorough, thoughtful, and on top of it. She is in it to help home buyers find homes that suit them best and is patient with choices and sales. I've bought multiple homes and had friends buy homes through her, and every sale was smooth. I have also met with Steve about commercial properties, and enjoyed his insight as well. Both great people to work with.
December 2019 by R White
Judy was great to work with in matching our wish list items and understanding our must haves and our flex points. I appreciated her feedback and guidance through the entire process- and would definitely look to her again for any future needs.
September 2019 by Craig Curtis
Judy was very helpful with all my questions and was a great help with staging.
January 2019 by Wayne Kreutner
Steve & Judy have been in the real estate business for many years and are very experienced in what comes up. I highly recommend them.